Developers Summit 2013 in Tokyo

"Developers Summit 2013" was held in 目黒雅叙園 (Meguro Gajoen), Tokyo. I've participated to this event to get information about development method and know-how.

Keyword is: Agile, Scrum, Continuous Delivery, Deploy 1000 times in an hour

Well, some talks were about Agile development (especially Scrum), the experience that how they tried to introduce "Agile" approach to their work to improve thier problems/troubles and what they've learned and got from it. I think it's very exciting if we Debian can deploy (=release) stable anytime we want! To achieve it, we should get Agility by learn their way of values and practice. I hope I'll go to DebConf13 then give a talk about it :)

Some community booth were there, I went and chatted with Vine Linux developer and community member for a while (Vine Linux is a Japanese local distribution since and we Debian get VLGothic font as default Japanese font from them :) They promoted "Handbook for developers" and it looks so good shape. Maybe you know, we also have Debian Develpers Reference(and I've completely translated it to Japanese), but their one is more catchy, of course I think we can borrow something from it to improve our DDR.

And I've got a book about CloudStack named "CloudStack 徹底入門" (Introduction to CloudStack, for beginners, users and professionals) at 日本CloudStackユーザー会 (Japan CloudStack users group) booth, by winning a prize :)

Also bought some books at publishers booth because 10+Tax5% off was so attractive...
