New in Debian stable Stretch: GitHub's Icon font, fonts-octicons
As a member of Debian pkg-fonts-devel team, I added some new packages to Debian. Today I'll introduce "fonts-octicons" in Debian9 "Stretch".
Octicons is GitHub's Icon font. If you want to use it with LibreOffice Impress:
- Install fonts-octicons package
- Start LibreOffice Impress
- Select "Insert" from menu
- Select "Special Characters"
- Select "octicons" from Fonts
- Select and insert it

You have just started a new job and are required to pass a drug test. It’s an all-too-common circumstance. You are unsure if the weed you smoked a few days ago might affect the result, and you need to find out different methods to get thc out of your system as soon as possible. There’s a good chance a drug test will identify the psychoactive cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) in your system if you’ve recently smoked a cannabis strain high in THC. It can be found in urine, blood, and hair follicles. Don’t worry, we are here to assist you in figuring out the best thc detox methods to get marijuana out of your system. If you’re about to take a drug test and need to get weed out of your system quickly, we’ve got you covered. Fortunately, you can use a range of practical strategies to pass a drug test for weed. When it comes to cannabis, detoxing can be a lengthy process. To help speed up your body’s detoxification process, there are a variety of options available, however, some may work better than others. Even if it takes several days to detox from a substance and several weeks for withdrawal symptoms to subside, if a person stays the course, they will eventually pass a drug test for weed. Despite all that prep, you can’t beat the powdered option for discreet, long-term urine storage.Pre-mixed solutions are the easiest fake options to use. As long as the temperature of the solution is correct and the sample in the cup without a tester seeing, you’re unlikely to fail your urine tests. However, many good options can cleanse your system entirely within one hour of consumption. Also, overweight people can use them.